Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm on a Cairo high

September 20th marks my first month anniversary in this lovely city.  It is as I imagined, a city full of culture, life, and humanity.

To give you a picture of what happened in the last three days: first my wallet was stolen, then a bulldozer hit the car (we’re ok alhamdulilah), the next morning the water heater tank broke (all in two/three days)! 

Yes it is a crazy place.  It is so crowded, loud, full of life, chaotic, and I love every bit of it.  Yes it’s loud, but it’s real, and human.  The cab driver very naturally asks for water from the passing taxi, the woman on the street offers me tea while I’m walking, and the woman on the bus complains to me about her rent.  There are no walls between people. 

In my first month, my emotions are heightened, and I am on a Cairo high. 


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